It all breaks down to several types of cleaning
systems/techniques out there regardless of what some hustler
may be trying to sell you as "the best thing you ever
- Bonnet Cleaning
- Dry Chemical Cleaning
- Encapsulation Cleaning
- Hot Water Extraction
- Steam Extraction Cleaning
Bonnet Cleaning:
cleaning basically consists of a floor buffer with a
shaggy pad on the bottom. The cleaner
will spray/mist down a detergent and proceed to
"buff" your carpet. This can give the illusion
that you are removing soil from the carpet but in reality
you are simply doing what you might do to your child's
shirt after an accident until you can get home and wash
it...wiping off the surface gunk and grinding the rest
into the fibers.
The disadvantages of the bonnet cleaning method are: pile distortion and fiber damage on cut-pile carpet, swirl marks left behind, soil ground into the carpet, abrasion of carpet due to gritty soil, detergent and soil build-up. Additionally, only two dimensions (width and length) of the carpet are really cleaned - that is, the surface.
Under the cleaned surface may exist a living, breathing sewer. Unfortunately, a clean "appearance" is all some customers
see and think it's clean..
The main question is, HOW IS THE SOIL
Dry Chemical Cleaning:
Dry Cleaning is basically just like it sounds. You
sprinkle a dry chemical in your carpet and let what looks
like a hotrod vacuum cleaner agitate and suck the powder
back out.
The disadvantage is, that it simply it
doesn't work very well and leaves a chemical residue in
your carpet.
Again, the main question is HOW IS THE
You might have also had the CHEMical DRY
cleaning guys out to your home as well and they showed up
with something like this:

Rest assured you are not getting anything magical.
It's nothing more than a tool used in a poor version of
Hot Water Extraction cleaning listed below.
Encapsulation Cleaning:
Cleaning is the only "alternative" cleaning
method that in this professional's opinion has
merit. In essence, encap cleaning is a result of the
strides we have made in chemistry mixed with and old
school carpet shampoo system.
The machine is basically a
carpet shampoo unit with scrub brushes and a solution. The
solution lathers, removes the soil and suspends it...this
is where the shampoo system would stop and you have loads
of detergent stuck in your carpet...However, the KEY
difference here is in the chemistry. The "foamy
lather" when
dry turns into a crystalline powder and soil - now
"encapsulated" is vacuumed away.
The million dollar
question: Does it work? Yes it does!.
However I believe it has it's limitations.
Encapsulation is a more for
low nap commercial type cleaning, and even then is really
only an interim system between extraction cleanings as you
can only crystallize and vacuum away so much soil.
FROM DEEP WITHIN THE CARPET? With Encap, it really
isn't which is why we call it an interim cleaning between
We do offer Encap cleaning
using the Cimex system. BUT we will NOT sell you
that it is the solution or best/only way to do it.
It has it's applications and that's where it belongs.
Hot Water Extraction:
Now we are starting to get to the real cleaning system
that REMOVES soil from the carpet. HWE or Hot Water
Extraction at times is also wrongly coined as "Steam cleaning".
The problem is, Hot Water is not
STEAM. Steam is steam!
cleaners use a portable unit much like the one
you rent at the
local home center. BUT they are powered by your plug outlet -
the same one that can barely power a hairdryer without
blowing a fuse! How can you expect it to run a
vacuum motor, heat the water AND run a pressure pump to
spray at 500psi!?! Many
"pros" purchase these portable units to get
their foot into the industry at a low cost and set out with good
intentions but break a lot of homeowners hearts with sub par
performance and very wet floors. It is these type of
systems the "Dry chem and Bonnet" guys use as a bad example of
"Steam Cleaning" to further their sales pitch.
The next step up are the truck mounted
units. You may see a nice advertisement that says
"Powerful Truck Mounted Equipment". And in
many regards, it is better than a portable unit and most are similar at their core except for one key point...ONLY a
few use a separate heater/boiler to heat the
Most use a heat exchange system which
works off of the unit's exhaust pipe to heat the water. (I
wish I was kidding) You get "sort of hot" water,
but not true "STEAM".
So where does the soil go? Out in
the truck or portable tank but you are now left with dingy
almost fully clean very wet carpets. Oh, and the technician
is most likely having to use your sink and toilet to
refill his fresh water tank and dump his waste water
tank. NOT fun.
Steam Extraction Cleaning
we are getting to the crème de la crème of carpet
cleaning. True STEAM extraction. A REAL
STEAM means a lot of water is not soaking your
carpet, the soils are melted down and whisked away, and germs are
killed. Period.
carpet mills (Shaw, Mowhawk and Stainmaster) ONLY recommend
and ONLY approve steam cleaning. Not Bonnet, Not
Encap, Not Dry Cleaning - only steam extraction.
They make the carpet, they know how to clean it properly.
is an actual picture of our equipment making real steam.

a video of our steam cleaning in action. If you've
never seen steam pour off the carpet tool like've never had REAL steam cleaning!
Here For Video 1
Click Here For Video 2
is not marketing hype but real world information.
Why would we spend upwards of $30,000 for a machine if we
could simply spend $2,500 on something that plugs into the
wall and does the same work?
proudly use the Steamway Legacy 2100 (
unit that has a 230,000 BTU heater (Twice the size of most
home furnaces) which maintains
solution temperatures up to 250F (121C) to help sanitize
and reduce the use of excess detergents. It's not the cheapest system
on the market to own, but quality has it's price.
GO? It's sucked out into the truck and you are left
with sparkling clean, lightly damp carpets that have been
sanitized by 250*F steam. We bring our own fresh
water and take our waste water with us.